I seriously need to spend more time in Annapolis. Our states Capitol has so much charm its almost too much to handle. It’s no wonder on why Ben asked Lindsay to spend forever with him right on the lawn of the state building. Naturally, these two wanted to further celebrate their engagement in this beautiful little nautical town! I had such a good time, wandering, maybe getting slightly lost…or more like walking in a circle, with these two! We wandered down the CUTEST streets. Seriously house envy! I wish every town used that much color!
We wandered the state building, the streets below and then made one last walk down to the water. We had hardly any light but I am so glad there was enough twilight left to illuminate these two. It was a Friday night so I am sure getting all cuddled up with boat loads of people around was interesting but these two were so infatuated with each other you would think they were completely alone. You’ll notice with the way Ben looks at Lindsay and his soft smile he flashes at her. Thats always something that catches my eye, the way my grooms look and admire their ladies. I hope my brides notice it as much as I do. I had so many favorites from their engagement session. Enjoy a little look into their love =D

Peep the horse that made an appearance for their session 😉

Source: Candace Howell
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